Födisch GruppeFödisch Gruppe

Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG is consistently continuing its international expansion course. Following the investment in CEM Solutions UK Ltd. and the acquisition of Testa GmbH, the technology group has now taken the next step in scaling its products and strengthening international sales. The Dutch company Multi Instruments, a specialist in the planning, installation and maintenance of industrial gas analysis systems, will thus become a wholly owned subsidiary of Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG.

Dr. Holger Födisch, CEO of Födisch AG, explained with pleasure: “This is a logical decision based on the long-standing and successful sales and service activities.” Marcel Rosengarten, Investment Manager of NORD Holding, added: “We are very happy that Multi Instruments has chosen the Födisch Group. This would certainly have been a system provider that would have been of interest to many market participants. With this acquisition, the Group is in a strong position to expand its systems business in Benelux and in particular in the Netherlands, with highly profitable and recurring service revenues.

Multi Instruments' experienced management team remains on board, which ensures the continuation and success of the company. “Retaining existing management was a key requirement for this acquisition. Your customer access, in particular to customers in process measurement technology, knowledge of the regional competitive situation and specific emissions regulations, are essential for joint success,” says Andreas Bösenberg, Managing Partner of NORD Holding.

Both sides are certain that the acquisition of Multi Instruments Analytical B.V. will have a positive impact on future business and also takes account of the efforts of the owners of Multi Instruments Analytical to regulate corporate succession in the long term. For Pierre Muller, (CEO of Multi Instruments, securing the future of the company by embedding it in an economically strong and technology-oriented group was one of the most important aspects of sales.

Multi Instruments Analytical B.V. not only plays a leading role in the area of gas analysis systems, but also in the area of water analysis, which complements the existing portfolio of the Födisch Group and opens up new perspectives.

With the integration of Multi Instruments, the Födish Group now expects an annual turnover of well over 50 million EUR and a team of around 250 employees for the first time.

Further internationalization efforts and targeted acquisitions in the core business areas of environmental and process measurement technology are also to be carried out in the future.

About Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG

Founded in 1991, Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG is a leading and independent group of companies for applications in the fields of environmental, process and analytical technology. Based in Markranstädt near Leipzig, service and sales companies in Germany and a subsidiary in China, the company employs 250 people. In addition to environmental, service and maintenance services, the product portfolio includes particulate matter sensors, filter monitors, dust measurement concentration devices, gas analyzers and volume flow meters. Customers include European and non-European companies, including from the energy, chemical, industrial, construction and waste and disposal industries, which are supported worldwide in complying with emission limits and monitoring various processes.

For more information, see: www.foedisch.de

About Multi Instruments Analytical B.V.

Multi Instruments Analytical specializes in the planning, installation and maintenance of industrial emission and process measurement systems. Since 1988, the company has been using high-quality analytical technology from several manufacturers and combines this into customer-specific solutions and for a wide range of applications. The technologies include gas analyzers, oxygen meters, flame detectors and other analytical equipment used to monitor industrial plants. The team of currently 25 employees develops individual emission measurement systems (CEMS) and is an experienced service partner for its customers in the Netherlands and Belgium. They benefit from extensive technology know-how and service network.

For more information, see: www.multi-instruments.nl